Applied and Experiential Learning

Welcome Message from the Academic Manager

Dr. Hiba Sabri

Applied and Experiential Learning Department

Welcome to the Applied and Experiential Learning Department - UDST faculty’s gateway to teaching excellence!

Our mission is to provide teaching and learning services, applied and experiential learning support and development opportunities to instructors and the broader UDST community.

To accomplish this mission, we strive for researching and implementing innovative teaching and learning practices, and technologies consistent with the applied and experiential learning framework. Our teaching community is continuously supported with advanced pedagogical approaches, instructional design aids, applied teaching strategies and faculty development.


About the Applied and Experiential Learning Department

The AEL team provides teaching and learning services, applied and experiential learning support, and development opportunities to instructors and the broader UDST community.

The AEL team provides support to:

  • Instructors; 
  • Department heads, deans and associate deans; 
  • Staff at UDST departments engaged in activities closely related to teaching and learning; and 
  • Teaching Assistants 


The AEL team provides a broad range of services such as pedagogical support, assessment approaches, course design and development, applied learning services and consultations, faculty development resources, using innovative technologies and more.

Our Team

Faculty Testimonials


"Thank you for facilitating PIT sessions over the past few weeks. I must admit that I already miss our supportive PIT community and it has been only a week since we last held our last session. It was good to meet real souls after several weeks communicating with "virtual" silhouettes during these unprecedented times of the pandemic that shifted the teaching and learning landscapes.

PIT sessions were timely to grant new faculty members the aspired support, confidence, and reassurance to achieve their duties and teaching assignments. I really now feel a strong sense of ownership and belonging to UDST and its constituents. Thank you AEL team for facilitating and organizing the new faculty induction workshop."

Ridha Ben - Rejeb
Communications Instructor - College of General Education

"As we transitioned online last year, I attended several of the Teaching Online workshops offered by the AEL to learn the innovative teaching pedagogies. In September, the PIT (Perspectives in Teaching) sessions by the AEL team gave a break to reflect, learn and implement strategies for effective teaching amidst our tight schedules. 

I had a pleasant surprise at the end of my last semester when my students requested me to come to Zoom meeting to talk to me for one last time this semester. It was quite strange and when I started the Zoom Meeting, they opened their cameras with cards having ‘Thank you notes’ and screamed ‘We love you miss.’ This is the greatest reward for any instructor, and I was extremely contented to experience this as a new faculty member. 

This was possible only because of the AEL team who are the backbone behind all the instructors to see this success. Thank you AEL team for all your continuous support."

Dr. Juliet Gladies Jayasuria
Assistant Professor, Human Resources
College of Business Management & Information Technology

Contact Us

You can request for more information or contact us for general inquiries:

Applied and Experiential Learning