Life at UDST

We are UDST

The Student Life team manages a wide variety of clubs which will enable you to maximize your student experience, enhance your skills, and enjoy a well-rounded, memorable college university experience.

Student Help Centres
Students Council

The Students' Representative Council (SRC) is a group of student leaders, voted by their peers in the student body. SRC represents the student population and is the collective voice of students on campus.


Student Success

Mental health is as important as physical health. During the college years, it is very natural for students to experience challenges as they work towards their personal and academic goals.
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Help Centres

The Help Centre’s are part of the academic support that UDST offers to its students. Each Help Centre provides specific skill development and courses that help students to improve their academic performance.

Peer Tutoring Program

Peer Tutoring Program is a free service that enables you -the student - to join a tutoring group for a course that you are having difficulty in.

Student Clubs


Music Club

Personal Counselling

Art Club


Photography Club

help center

Toastmasters Club

Debate Club

Environmental Health Club


Accounting & Finance Club



Library Services provides some of the most popular resources on campus.

Facilities Management


Our work is based on the collective value of dedication, innovation, expertise, teamwork, and continuous improvement.


Sport and Wellness

Sport and Wellness (S&W), formerly known as “Recreation”, has been a key element of UDST campus life since the College first opened in Doha in 2002.

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