1.0 Definitions
1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
1.1.1 Academic Credentials: a certification of qualifications issued by a postsecondary institution, recognized by the Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education, indicating that an Academic Member successfully completed a particular course of study at a specified degree level (e.g. Diplomas, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate degree or other Terminal Degree).
1.1.2 Academic Members: Faculty Members and Instructional Members.
1.1.3 Academic Rank: The rank held by the Academic Members in the University, having hierarchical titles such as Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer, Senior Technical Instructor, Lecturer, Technical Instructor, Assistant Lecturer, Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, and Teaching Assistant
1.1.4 Certificate: A document awarded upon the successful completion of a brief
course of study, usually one year or less but at times longer, primarily in
institutions of higher education, university extension programs or non-degree
granting postsecondary institutions like area career and technical education
schools, as well as for participation, completion, or attainment of competencies.
1.1.5 Course: A set of Learning Sessions in a particular subject, with a defined scope
and duration, and specific learning outcomes
1.1.6 Course Learning Outcome: The specifications of what the Student should learn
as the result of the specified and supported study in a given Course.
1.1.7 Faculty Members: Members of the teaching and/or research staff, whether on
part- or full-time, holding the following titles: Professor, Associate Professor,
Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor, or
Lecturer/Technical Instructor.
1.1.8 Instructional Members: Members of the teaching staff, whether on part- or fulltime, holding the following titles: Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical
Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, or
Teaching Assistant.
1.1.9 Learning Session: Classes, labs, placements or work term prescribed by a
1.1.10 President: The President of the University, as nominated by the Board of
Trustees and appointed by the Minister of Education and Higher Education as
the President of the University.
1.1.11 Professional Certification: A document indicating mastery of or competency in
specific knowledge, skills or processes that can be measured against a set of accepted standards, which are typically awarded through assessment and
validation of skills in cooperation with a business, trade association or other
industry group.
1.1.12 Professional Credentials: A document issued by a responsible and authorized
body that attests that an individual has achieved specific experience relative to
a given standard, including licenses, badges, and Professional Certifications.
1.1.13 Program: A prescribed set of Courses leading to a qualification, including a
Certificate, Diploma (2 years), Advanced Diploma (3 years), Bachelor, Master,
or Doctorate, according to the Qatar National Qualifications Framework.
1.1.14 Research: The systematic and organized investigation of a subject/topic, and
study of the materials and sources in order to establish new knowledge and/or
reach new conclusions.
1.1.15 Student: A person who is presently enrolled at the University in a credit Course
or who is designated by the University as a Student.
1.1.16 Teaching: The delivery of theoretical and/or practical instruction for the purpose
of Student learning and development, that is generally organized by disciplines
and/or interdisciplinarity of study and administered within an established mode
and timeframe.
1.1.17 Terminal Degree: The highest degree awarded in a given discipline.
1.1.18 University: University of Doha for Science and Technology established by Emiri
Resolution No. 13 of 2022.
1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and
1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and
grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.0 Policy Purpose
2.1 This policy outlines the academic and professional qualifications required of Academic
Members working at the University.
2.2 This policy also reflects the University’s compliance with the requirements and the
credential standards stipulated by accreditation agencies, regulatory bodies, and
State of Qatar Ministry of Education and Higher Education and relevant international
3.0 Policy Scope
3.1 This policy applies to all Academic Members at the University.
4.0 Policy Statement
4.1 The University employs qualified Academic Members to achieve its mission, mandate,
and commitment to stakeholders. Students in all University Programs have a right to
be taught by appropriately qualified Academic Members. Sponsors and employers
trust the University to prepare learners with the knowledge, skills and abilities required
by the labour market. The establishment of minimum Academic Member qualifications
is also a means of ensuring competence, relevance, currency and quality in
instructional delivery
4.2 The University’s mandate as an academic, applied, technical and vocational institution
of higher education levels, requires that Academic Members have essential minimum
4.3 Academic Members must meet the University’s requirements, as outlined in the
approved job descriptions, to teach in their discipline and the requirements of
applicable accreditation agencies and regulatory bodies.
4.4 Academic Members must hold the minimum required qualifications to teach in their
respective disciplines. Qualified Academic Members are identified by Academic
Credentials, employment and/or teaching experience and, where relevant,
Professional Credentials and Certification.
4.5 Honors and awards, continuous documented excellence in Teaching, or other
demonstrated and documented competencies and achievements that contribute to
effective Teaching and Course Learning Outcomes, may also be considered by the
University in determining Academic Member qualification.
4.6 Qualification Types
4.6.1 Academic Members require the following types of qualifications: Academic Credentials Where the Academic Member achieved the required
Academic Credentials within the relevant discipline; Employment Experience Industry employment experience: Where the Academic
Member was a practitioner/professional within the relevant
discipline in the industry, practicing within the appropriate
and relevant scope, for a minimum of three (3) years; Academic employment experience: Where the Academic
Member has met the relevant Teaching experience in an
academic institution or certified training center (excluding
Faculty Members), as defined under each Academic Rank in the related Assigning Academic Ranks to Academic
Members Procedure (PR-AC-03); and Professional Credentials and Certification Where the Academic Member is Teaching in a discipline
that requires Professional Credentials and Certification,
accreditation, registration, or licensure, holds that
accreditation, registration or license, and maintains its
currency throughout employment at the University.
4.7 Ranking and Qualification Requirements
4.7.1 Academic Ranks and qualification requirements, as defined in the related
Assigning Academic Ranks to Academic Members Procedure (PR-AC-03) are
as follows: Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor Requires a Terminal Degree in the relevant discipline area,
employment experience, and evidence of being current and
competent in the relevant Teaching field and in Research. Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor and
Lecturer/Technical Instructor Requires at least a Master’s degree in the relevant
discipline, employment experience, and evidence of being
current and competent in the relevant field and in Research. Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor,
Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, or
Teaching Assistant Requires at least a Bachelors’ degree (Diploma degree may
be considered in special circumstances) or trades
designation in the relevant discipline, employment
experience, and relevant Professional Credentials and
Certification for disciplines that require Professional
Credentials and Certification.
4.7.2 The University’s Programs, which are comprised of theoretical, practical, and
work-integrated components, require an appropriate mix of qualified Academic
Members (from the above noted Academic Ranks) to support Students in their
knowledge and competency-development within the relevant disciplinary area.
4.8 Any exceptions to 4.7 must be based on:
4.8.1 The absence of a related program credential at the graduate level, or another
exceptional circumstance based on the considerations mentioned under 4.5; and
4.8.2 Vice-President, Academics’ recommendation and President’s approval of a
rationalization in writing, stipulating the reason for an exemption from the policy.
4.9 Current Academic Members not holding the required Academic Credentials for their
respective Program may be offered the opportunity to develop an academic
development plan. The plan will include a mutually agreed upon timeline for meeting
the established Academic and Professional Credential requirements for the academic
Courses they teach. Academic development plans must be completed within three (3)
years from the date of approval by the President. The University will not be
responsible for bearing any costs or expenses associated with the academic
development plan unless otherwise approved by the President.
5.0 Procedures
5.1 The Vice-President, Academics will ensure that procedures are developed for the implementation of this policy.
6.0 Related Documents
6.1 PL-AC-02: Academic Credentials Policy.
6.2 PR-AC-03: Assigning Academic Ranks to Academic Members Procedure.