1.1 Capitalized Words and phrases used in this procedure document and not otherwise defined here have the meanings assigned to them in the Use of Space Policy (PLST-22).
1.2 The following words and expressions are specific to this document and shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
1.2.1 Circulation Services: Those services involved with: Loaning materials, placing holds on items, borrowing or lending General Collection items and Digital Media Centre Equipment, registering and verifying Borrowers, checking materials out of the Library, maintaining Borrower records, notifying Borrowers of Overdue material, inputting holds on Student records, checking materials in when returned, keeping statistics on use, and providing security for the collections held by Library Services Directorate.
1.2.2 General Collection: Items in the Collection of the CNA-Q Library that circulate with possible renewals, and are, when in circulation, subject to Holds.
1.2.3 Overdue: An item retained by a Borrower beyond its assigned loan period.
1.2.4 Student Support Materials: Stationary items or electronic devices Students require for short periods of time to support their learning activities.
1.3 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1.4 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.0 Procedure Purpose
2.1 The following procedure statements are to be read in conjunction with the Use of Space Policy (PL-ST-22). The purpose of this procedure is to:
2.1.1 Support the implementation of the Use of Space Policy (PL-ST-22).
2.1.2 Define the conditions for exercising the right to refuse service to Library Users.
3.0 Procedure Statements
3.1 Inappropriate behavior on the part of Users will not be tolerated. Staff have the right to request University ID and to refuse services to any Library Users.
3.2 Behavior that would result in a refusal of Library Service would include but is not limited to the following interactions:
3.2.1 Destruction of Library material or spaces;
3.2.2 Offensive language or action that is intimidating or disrespectful to Library Staff or Users;
3.2.3 Behavior that is unreasonably distracting or impedes Library Staff or Users’ ability to use the Library Services for its intended purpose;
3.2.4 Refusing to leave the Library or Learning Commons at closing time;
3.2.5 Smoking in all its forms in any area of Library Services;
3.2.6 Any behavior or act that is prohibited under the Student Conduct Policy (PL-ST-01) and Student Conduct Procedure (PR-ST-01).
3.3 A Library User who acts irresponsibly will be informed that they are violating Library Services Policies and Procedures in addition to violating the Student Conduct Policy (PL-ST-01) and Student Conduct Procedure (PR-ST-01), and any applicable University policies and procedures.
3.4 Subject to the applicable Student Conduct policies and procedures, violations of Library Services Policies and Procedures will be submitted to the Student Misconduct Committee and can result in progressive disciplinary action.
3.4.1 A first offence will result in verbal warning with written documentation of Student name, University ID, and description of event for future reference.
3.4.2 A second offence may result in consequences up to and including, written letter of warning, placed on the official Student file and a one term suspension of Library privileges.
3.4.3 A third offence will result in written letter of warning, placed on the official Student file and removal of Library privileges.
3.5 Any Library Services Staff can exercise the right to refuse service when confronted by a Library User without valid Student ID or a Library User not adhering to the Student Conduct Policy. Should the behavior not be corrected, Library Services Staff will contact the University security services team for their attention and action.
4.0 Related Documents
4.1 Use of Space Policy

PR-ST-22-03: Right to Refuse Service Procedure ©
February 2023