1.0 Definitions
1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
1.1.1 Academic Members: Faculty Members and Instructional Members.
1.1.2 University Community: Academic Members, members of the administrative Staff, and/or Students.
1.1.3 Complaint: A report alleging a breach of this policy.
1.1.4 Complainant: The individual(s) filing a Complaint.
1.1.5 Faculty Members: Members of the teaching and/or research staff, whether on part- or full-time, holding the following ranks: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Lecturer/Senior Technical Instructor, or Lecturer/Technical Instructor.
1.1.6 Final Grade: The grade assigned for the entire Course when all Final Grade Components of the Course are completed.
1.1.7 Final Grade Components: The elements which, when computed, total the Final Grade for the Course.
1.1.8 Instructional Members: Members of the teaching staff, whether on part- or full- time, holding the following titles: Assistant Lecturer/or Workshop/Lab/Clinical Instructor, Assistant Technical Instructor, Trades Technical Instructor, or Teaching Assistant.
1.1.9 Online Learning: A type of education that uses the Internet for Teaching, interaction and the distribution of study materials.
1.1.10 Placement: A period spent by Student(s) for the purposes of clinical work or work term.
1.1.11 Premises: Lands, buildings, and grounds of the University.
1.1.12 Program: A prescribed set of Courses leading to a qualification, including a Certificate, Diploma (2 years), Advanced Diploma (3 years), Bachelor, Master, or Doctorate, according to the Qatar National Qualifications Framework.
1.1.13 Research: The systematic and organized investigation of a subject/topic, and study of the materials and sources in order to establish new knowledge and/or reach new conclusions.
1.1.14 Respondent: The individual(s) responding to a report by the Complainant.
1.1.15 Staff: Person(s) employed by or working at the University as Academic Members or providing administrative support.
1.1.16 Student: A person who is presently enrolled at the University in a credit course or who is designated by the University as a Student.
1.1.17 Student Misconduct: Conduct that is prohibited as outlined in the Student Conduct Policy (PL-ST-01).
1.1.18 Student Record: Any information directly related to a Student and maintained by the University.
1.1.19 Teaching: The delivery of theoretical and/or practical instruction for the purpose of Student learning and development, that is generally organized by disciplines and/or interdisciplinarity of study and administered within an established mode and timeframe.
1.1.20 University: University of Doha for Science and Technology established by Emiri Resolution No. 13 of 2022.
1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and
grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.0 Policy Purpose
2.1 The University is a community of Students, and Staff involved in learning, Teaching,
Research and other activities, both on campus and online. All members of the
University Community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that
contributes positively to an environment in which integrity, quality, innovation,
collaboration, accountability and sustainability are valued, so as to assure the
success of both the individual and the community. This policy reflects a concern for
these values and tries to ensure that members of the University Community can
make use of and enjoy the activities, facilities and benefits of the University without
undue interference from others.
2.2 The purpose of this policy is to:
2.2.1 set out the fundamental rights of Students;
2.2.2 set out Student responsibilities and the standards of Student conduct that
are required of the University’s Students and the University’s expectations
with respect to Student behavior;
2.2.3 provide a framework for the management of Student Misconduct
3.0 Policy Scope
3.1 This Policy applies to all Students and Student Organizations of the University, both on and off University Premises, and to all University activities and events.
3.1.1 participating in, or traveling as a part of, a University Program;
3.1.2 participating in a Placement;
3.1.3 participating in any online learning at the University;
3.1.4 participating in a University club or organization, including virtually;
3.1.5 participating in an event;
3.1.6 representing the University in any scope or capacity; or
3.1.7 engaged in any other University organized or sanctioned activity.
3.2 This policy applies to Student Misconduct that:
3.2.1 occurs on the premises of the University;
3.2.2 occurs elsewhere in the course of activities sponsored by the University, or where the Student Misconduct is alleged to adversely affect, disrupt, or interfere with another Student, or Staff’s reasonable participation in University programs or activities;
3.2.3 occurs during University online learning;
3.2.4 reflects poorly or affects the University's reputation.
4.0 Policy Statement
4.1 General Statement
4.1.1 This Policy sets forth the general rights and responsibilities of all Students.Further rights and responsibilities are set forth in other Student policies. It is the Students' responsibility to acquaint themselves with the University’s policies and procedures, which are applicable to Students.
4.2 Student Rights
4.2.1 The University aims to create and maintain a positive, safe, and accessible educational environment for all, which includes respect for: the dignity of all members of the University Community; the fair treatment of individuals; academic freedom, freedom of expression of opinion, and scientific research subject to the respect of and adherence to the culture, values, morals of the Qatari community, and the laws of Qatar; the University’s resources and property for all individuals; the safety and the security of all individuals; all individuals regardless of their race, color, gender, religion, age, or disability.
4.2.2 Students have the right to: pursue their education without being subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, or disability, so long as they maintain their eligibility to remain a Student by meeting the University’s academic standards and adhering to its policies and procedures. freedom of thought, expression, research, inquiry, and legitimate classroom discussion, in accordance with applicable policies, rules, and laws adopted by the University and the State of Qatar, and subject to the instructor's responsibilities to maintain order and to complete the course requirements; fair and impartial academic evaluation; confidentiality and the safekeeping of Student’s records, which will only be disclosed in accordance with the University’s policies governing personal data privacy protection; be provided with a syllabus explaining the Course requirements, assignments, standards and methods used in evaluating the Student's academic performance and classroom rules and expectations; be informed in writing of any necessary changes in assignments, requirements, or methods of grading during the semester with the reasons for such changes. a fair grievance, disciplinary and appeal process, whenever applicable, in accordance with the relevant policies and procedures; review and discuss assessments in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures. receive all rules, policies, or procedures regarding study at the University; obtain their completed assignments, once marked, unless the instructor has previously informed the students otherwise. expect the University to provide instructors who possess appropriate knowledge in relation to their course of instruction. expect quality services and resources that support instruction and student life.
4.3 Student Responsibilities
4.3.1 All University Students are required at all times, both while on and off University premises, as well as online, to behave as responsible members of the University community, and to represent and uphold the good name of the University.
4.3.2 Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and act according to the following: treating all others (Students, Staff, and visitors) in a respectful manner; conducting themselves with the highest standards of honesty
inside and outside the classroom, as well as online; being actively concerned for the safety, security, and the wellbeing of each individual and a respect for individual, communal
and University property; abiding by and upholding the University dress code expectations
and culturally appropriate behavior; conducting themselves with propriety at all times and in an
appropriate manner when they are, or can be seen to be, representing the University; abiding by safe driving and parking practices on campus, ensuring
not to endanger themselves or others, including security guards; abiding by and upholding University policies, rules, regulations
and guidelines reading University communications whether delivered in writing,
via e-mail, social media, or other technological means.
4.4.3 A Student must carry their Student identification with them at all times while
on campus and provide their identification when asked to do so by a
University Staff or members of the University’s security, in the course of their duties.
4.4 Standards of Conduct
4.4.1 Sections 4.5 – 4.7 set out the standards of Student conduct that are required of the University’s Students and the University’s expectations with respect to Student behavior. Failure to adhere to the conduct standards and responsibilities set forth in this policy and commission of prohibited conduct constitutes misconduct, which must be dealt with in a fair manner, and addressed in accordance with the provisions of sections 4.8 and 4.9 of this policy.
4.5 Non-Academic Student Behavior
4.5.1 Protection of Individuals: A Student will not cause or threaten harm to another individual or endanger the safety of another individual on campus or online. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to: physical abuse of any person or any action that threatens or
endangers the emotional well-being, health or safety of any
person including self-harm; the use of abusive language towards, or about, others; stalking, bullying, or otherwise engaging in a pattern of behavior
directed at specific person or group of persons that would cause
a reasonable individual to fear for their safety or to suffer
emotional distress; endangering others through reckless or intentional misuse of personal or University equipment and/or materials. This also includes unsafe driving, misuse of laboratory equipment/materials and recreational equipment; obstructing another individual or group of individuals from carrying
on their legitimate activities, or from speaking or associating with
others; harassing or assaulting another individual sexually or threatening
another individual with sexual assault; violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening, bullying, harassment or
other offensive behaviour or language whilst on University
premises or engaged in any University activity, or directed at any
member of the University Community, or gross or repeated
insolence towards any member of the University's Staff actions
likely to cause injury or impair safety on University premises; threatening to hurt the individuals of the University Community or
the Staff or the Academic Member to damage their wealth or
reputation, whether the threat is orally or in writing or through acts
intended to hurt an individual or individuals of the University
Community or the University or distort the reputation and wealth
by coercing them to commit or omit an act; humiliating by word, sign or menace an individual of the University
Community, or the Staff or the Academic Member.
4.5.2 Protection of Property: A Student must not: intentionally damage, destroy or move, without authority or permission, or permit to be damaged, destroyed or moved without authority, the property of the University, or of any other person; tamper with University equipment, including but not limited to, any elevator, wiring, plumbing, doors, locking mechanisms, University keys, access cards or other University equipment without authorization from the appropriate University official; commit an act of theft, which includes stealing of private or University property while on campus or in connection with a University activity; cause damage to, or defacement of, University property or the property of other members of the University community, intentionally or recklessly, or misappropriation of such property or misuse or unauthorised use of University premises or items of property, including computer misuse; use University property, facilities, systems, equipment or materials for an unauthorized purpose or without authorization; enter or remain in any University building or area without authorization when the building or area is officially closed or restricted for designated purposes or to designated individuals; misuse the University IT system; access, or allow access to University property, facilities, equipment or materials without authorization.
4.5.3 Protection of University Reputation, Official Records, Standards, Functions, Activities, and Services. Students must not: interfere with the functions, activities and services of the University or Student groups, including online activities, such that the function, activity or service is obstructed or disrupted. This includes but is not limited to: classes, lectures, seminars, tutorials, and labs, or other academic programming; social, cultural and athletic events; field trips; computing services; registration services; work placements, co-op placements or internships; library services; food services; governance meetings. intentionally initiate or cause to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency; establish, organize or participate in unauthorized or unapproved events, activities, clubs or gatherings; post/share unauthorized signs, flyers, banners, and announcements on-campus or through social media; fail to obey the authorized instructions of University Staff acting in the performance of their duties and failing to obey all published or posted regulations relating to the use and entry of University buildings and facilities; commit forgery, alteration or misuse of University documents, records, or identification or other material submitted to the University; commit other forms of fraud, deceit, or other forms of dishonest actions than noted in; knowingly furnish false information to University officials, including failure to disclose a name or other relevant details to a University Staff in circumstances where it is reasonable to require such information to be given and the University Staff member is acting within the scope of their authority; act for or on behalf of the University unless expressly authorized to do so; behave in a manner that damages the University’s relationship or reputation with its local communities; possess or use firearms, weapons, explosives or dangerous substances and devices; possess, use, or distribute alcohol, illegal drugs, controlled substances and/or pornography; publish online materials (photo, video, class material) without the consent of all involved parties. This act is strictly prohibited; open of letters or private telegrams addressed to other individuals of the University Community, without the concerned individual’s consent; record of telephone calls, without the concerned individual’s consent; record or transfer of conversations held in a private place using any kind of device, without the concerned individual’s consent; capture or transfer pictures, audio, or videos of an individual or individuals of the University Community in a private place using any kind of device, without the concerned individual’s consent; take or transfer pictures or videos of another individual or individuals of the University Community in a public place, using any kind of device, for defamation or abuse purposes. take or transfer pictures or videos of individuals of the University Community injured or deceased or involved in accidents, using any kind of device.
4.5.4 The Use of University’s Online Sources Students are required to adhere to the University’s policies and terms of use for the University’s web-based sites, online resources, its electronic information systems, and/or services. Violation of the same is deemed to be misconduct. Students are prohibited from publishing, via any medium including online, of material that may reasonably be considered threatening, harassing or grossly offensive or likely to incite misconduct, whether directed at groups of or individual Students or Staff or, where the author is identified as being a member of the University, at any individual or group outside the University Community.
4.5.5 Smoking Smoking, e-cigarettes, or vaping of any type shall be within designated areas only. Shisha, in all its forms, is strictly prohibited on University premises.
4.6 Academic Misconduct
4.6.1 A Student has the responsibility to pursue their education and work to the best of their ability in all academic pursuits. Academic dishonesty, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating and collusion is strictly prohibited.
4.6.2 Cheating. Cheating involves actual, or attempted deception and/or dishonest action in relation to any academic work of the University, whether committed on or off campus, or online. The following actions are examples of attempted deception and Cheating and are therefore prohibited; taking and/or using and/or distributing any unauthorised material, paper or equipment, into an examination. Unauthorised material includes, but is not limited to, notes in any form. Unauthorized equipment includes mobile telephones, all models of calculator not specifically approved for an examination and other electronic devices; communicating with another candidate during an examination, in any manner; copying or attempting to copy from others during an exam, a lab, an assignment, or other academic work; communicating answers with another person during an exam, a quiz or a lab; pre-programming a calculator to contain answers or other unauthorized information for exams; using unauthorized materials, banned technology, prepared answers, written notes, hacking systems to obtain answers, or concealed information during an exam; allowing others to do an assignment or portion of an assignment for the Student, including the use of a commercial term-paper service, and presenting or attempting to present the work as the Student’s; submitting of the same assignment for more than one course without prior approval of all the instructors involved; collaborating on an exam or assignment with any other person without prior approval from the instructor; sitting an exam for another person or having someone sit an exam for the Student.
4.6.3 Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the unacknowledged inclusion of material derived from the published or unpublished work of another person (such as from the internet or from another person) whether intentional or unintentional. It includes, but is not limited to, the following: wholesale copying of passages from works of others into the Student’s homework, essay, term paper, or dissertation without acknowledgment; use of the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgment; paraphrasing of another person’s characteristic or original phrasing, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment; unacknowledged inclusion of material derived from published or unpublished work (such as from the internet from another person) whether intentional or unintentional.
4.6.4 Collusion. Collusion is the active cooperation of two or more Students to jointly produce material where there is a requirement that that material be produced independently. A Student who knowingly allows any of his or her academic work to be acquired by another person for presentation as if it were that person’s own work is also guilty of collusion. Collusion is strictly prohibited.
4.6.5 Course Materials. The following actions, pertaining to course materials, are strictly prohibited: removing, defacing, or deliberately keeping from other Students library materials that are on reserve for specific courses; contaminating laboratory samples or altering indicators during a practical exam; selling, distributing, website posting, or publishing course lecture notes, handouts, readers, recordings, or other information provided by an instructor, or using them for any commercial purpose without the express permission of the instructor.
4.6.6 Theft or Damage to Intellectual Property. The following actions are strictly prohibited: sabotaging or stealing another person’s assignment, book, paper, notes, experiment, project, electronic hardware or software; improperly accessing , or electronically interfering with, the property of another person or the University via computer or other means; obtaining a copy of an exam, quiz, lab assignment, or assignment prior to its approved release by the instructor.
4.6.7 Alteration of University Documents. The following actions are strictly prohibited: forging an instructor’s signature on a letter of recommendation or any other document; submitting an altered transcript of grades to or from another institution or employer; putting one’s name on another person’s exam or assignment; altering a previously graded exam or assignment for purposes of a grade appeal or of gaining points in a re-grading process.
4.7 Culturally Appropriate Behaviour
4.7.1 Students are required to respect and adhere to the culture, values, morals of the Qatari community, and the laws of Qatar.
4.7.2 Gender Relations: The following is strictly prohibited: public display(s) of affection to the opposite gender on campus; failing to comply with the gender-designated entrances and use of gender-designated facilities; culturally inappropriate behaviour.
4.7.3 Dress Code Expectations Students are required to dress in a way that respects the local culture. The Qatari national dress for men is the thobe, and for women it is the abaya. If the Qatari national dress is not worn, the University dress code requires Students to wear clothing as per the University’s Student Dress Code.
4.8 Reporting Student Misconduct
4.8.1 Any member of the University Community, with reasonable grounds to believe that a Student has committed Student Misconduct may make a Complaint to the Office of Student Affairs.
4.9 Disciplinary Actions
4.9.1 The University will seek to promote and facilitate good Student conduct through education, support and positive encouragement, however where these approaches or other informal actions are not sufficient, formal disciplinary action will be instituted.
4.9.2 Student Misconduct Complaints shall be dealt with fairly and in accordance with the Student Conduct Procedures by the Student Misconduct Committee. The constitution of the Student Misconduct Committee and its mode of operation will be detailed in the Student Conduct Procedures. The Student Misconduct Committee should include at least one (1) Student representative.
4.9.3 The outcome of the Student conduct review by the Student Misconduct Committee will be to either dismiss or uphold an allegation.
4.9.4 Progressive discipline will be applied once Student Misconduct is found by the Student Misconduct Committee to have occurred and one of the penalties defined in the Student Conduct Procedures will be imposed on the student. This applies to Student Misconduct that occurs on the University Premises, in the course of studying or other activities offered by the University, or when a Student is representing University in or outside of Qatar.
4.9.5 Students may initiate a Student Appeal in accordance with the Student Appeals Policy and Student Appeals Procedure, only when the Student Misconduct Committee decision is a penalty which includes a suspension, or expulsion.
4.9.6 If the incident involves a threat or act of violence, the Associate Vice-President of Student Affairs or their delegate, may issue a 48-hour suspension and immediate removal of the alleged perpetrator(s) while the incident is being investigated. Such removal shall not be construed as a determination of guilt. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Student shall be immediately returned to the University should the Complaint be determined to be without merit.
4.9.7 If a Complaint is found to have been reported without merit and with an intention, or with reckless disregard, to cause harm to the respondent, the Complainant will be subject to penalties under this policy.
4.9.8 A Student may be subject to an investigation regardless of any action by civil, administrative or criminal authorities against the Student relating to the same or similar conduct.
4.9.9 Nothing in this policy precludes the University from referring an individual matter to the appropriate law enforcement agency before, during, or after disciplinary action is taken by the University under this policy. A Student may be subject to criminal prosecution and/or civil proceedings notwithstanding, and in addition to, disciplinary action taken by the University against the Student under this policy. Applying this policy does not prevent anyone, including licensing bodies from proceeding with civil, administrative or criminal actions independent of the University actions.
5.0 Procedures
5.1 The Vice President of Student Affairs will ensure that procedures are developed and implemented in accordance with this policy.
6.0 Related Documents
6.1 PR-ST-01: Student Conduct Procedure;
6.2 PL-ST-03: Student Attendance Policy;
6.3 PR-ST-03: Student Attendance Procedure;
6.4 Student Dress Code;
6.5 PL-ST-04: Student Appeals Policy;
6.6 PR-ST-04: Student Appeals Procedure;
6.7 IS-502: Electronic Mail (E-Mail) and Internet Usage;
6.8 IS-502-PR: Electronic Mail (E-Mail) and Internet Usage;
6.9 IS-501: Electronic Information Systems Use;
6.10 IS-501-PR: Electronic Information Systems Use;
6.11 IS-505: Network User Accounts;
6.12 IS-505-PR: Network User Accounts.