Step up, give back and grow

When I was studying at university, I offered my services as a free Math tutor. I helped to organise several campus events, including an intercultural festival with an energetic team of fellow students. I worked hard, made some wonderful memories and felt good about ‘giving back’. But was I only helping others?

There are an estimated one billion people in the world who volunteer – a significant percentage of the human population – and active volunteering in every community. That is an impressive statistic! What appeals to so many people about providing time, effort or advice for free?

In today’s cynical world, some might ask why we do anything for free. But volunteering is not a one-way street. It runs deeper than just contribution and can provide immense benefit to the volunteers themselves. When we donate time to our community, help to advise on a project, or get stuck in to help complete a task - we ourselves learn new things, gain experience and enjoy fresh perspectives. This is invaluable, pushing us out of our comfort zone and helping us grow.

At University of Doha for Science & Technology we understand the power of volunteering for everyone. It develops young minds, and allows older generations to give back what they have learned. I am proud that over 1,400 community members from the UDST student body, faculty and staff are volunteering at the FIFA World Cup in Qatar this year. Over 20,000 volunteers help deliver this amazing international tournament, and it cannot happen without their hard work.

Opportunities surround us - myriad chances to step up, help our community, give back and develop ourselves. You could help to organise a conference or graduation week, you could assist an animal rescue group, youth sports event, or an educational charity. Anything is possible, and everything you give to others matters.

Whether you are assisting fellow students to solve a math problem, or helping to stage an international tournament, volunteering enables us to create new contacts and gain valuable experience and skills. Be open to change, give your energy, offer your input and provide support. Become a volunteer, and you will see for yourself.