Mathematics and Natural Sciences

International Students
Degree type:
Thematic Clusters

Program Description: 


BIOL1001 iNQUIRY-bASED bIOLOGY (3 credits)

This course explains key biological concepts such as cell biology, cellular organization, the diversity of life and classification, human physiology, and selected concepts of ecology from a student driven, inquiry-based perspective. Students are involved in group work and guided class discussions to further their understanding. Students learn how the scientific method is used to formulate hypotheses, test and answer questions, and contribute to everyday life from a biological point of view. Students also design and carry out their own basic scientific experiments to gain experience with the scientific method and learn the importance of collecting and analyzing data as well as communicating results.


An understanding of living organisms helps to develop an appreciation of life. This course is an introduction to the diversity of plants, their structure, and their significance. Topics also include classification, identification, and nomenclature of angiosperms. This course includes theory and directed investigations to help enhance understanding.


The study of ecology helps to develop an appreciation for the relationship between living organisms and their physical environment. This course covers the essential principles of ecology from physical environment to evolution and adaption, energy flow, population, communities, and ecosystems. Through lecture and directed activities, students learn about diversity, competition, natural selection, climate change, migration, extinction and more.


This course explores the world of geology, both physical and historical, with emphasis on its relevance to other major disciplines. Basic principles of the geosciences are examined and used to illustrate the important contributions geology has made to our knowledge and understanding of the world today. This course is delivered through lectures, presentations, and case studies.


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Corequisites: BIOL1031

The study of biochemistry and microbiology is important to students interested in any health science profession as it strengthens their understanding in what happens inside the human body and other organisms at the cellular level. This course provides students with a brief introduction to cells, the types of molecules and reactions that happen inside cells, and the different types of cells (including microbes and viruses). Besides lectures and course readings, students strengthen their understanding of biochemistry and microbiology topics through online activities and experiential learning in the co-requisite laboratory.


Corequisites: BIOL1030

An understanding of the different systems in the human body is essential for people working in health science professions. This course introduces students to the anatomy and physiology of the human body with emphasis on regulatory mechanisms and adaptations that maintain homeostasis. Students learn basic chemical processes, and cellular and tissue physiology for select body systems. This course is taught through lectures, readings, and videos with the information then being applied in a weekly lab.

BIOL1110 ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY i (4 credits)

For people working in health science professions, an understanding of the different systems in the human body is essential. This course introduces students to the anatomy and physiology of the human body with an emphasis on regulatory mechanisms and adaptations that maintain homeostasis. Students learn basic chemical processes as well as cellular and tissue physiology for select body systems. This course is taught through lectures, readings, and instructional videos. Knowledge learned through these means is then applied in weekly, hands-on labs.

BIOL1210 ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY ii (4 credits)

Prerequisites: BIOL1110

Understanding how the human body is put together and functions is essential for those working in a Health Science profession. This course is the second part of the study of Human Anatomy and Physiology. It investigates the organization of the human body including the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and urinary systems. The course includes theory, laboratory work, and virtual simulations to enhance the understanding of the anatomy and physiology of these systems.

BIOL2010 MICROBIOLOGY (3 credits)

Co-requisites: BIOL2011

Health Science students need to understand the classification of different microorganisms and how they contribute to disease. In this course, students learn how to identify, classify, grow, isolate and eliminate microorganisms through lecture and the co-requisite laboratory sessions. Students learn to prevent the spread of microbial disease in the health care/workplace setting through the application of infection control measures.


Prerequisites: BIOL2010

Laboratory sessions help to enhance student understanding of the concepts learned in lecture. This course allows students to explore how microorganism grow and are managed first hand, thus enhance what they learn in their lecture course.

CHEM1010 General Chemistry I (3 credits)

Co-requisites: CHEM1011

Chemistry is the study of matter and how it interacts with other matter, making it an essential science for engineers. This course aims to provide students with the basic principles of general chemistry by introducing the structure of matter and units of measurements before moving onto the types of chemical reactions, stoichiometric calculations, periodic table properties, chemical bonding, and molecular geometry. The final section explores solutions and electrochemistry so that students develop a deeper understanding of concepts in their technical courses, from a molecular point of view. Students study the theory through lectures and videos then apply this knowledge to chemical problems.

CHEM1011 General Chemistry I Lab (1 credit)

Co-requisites: CHEM1010

Laboratory courses enhance student understanding by helping them visualize abstract concepts through experimental investigations. This course introduces students to the chemistry laboratory and provides the opportunity to further student understanding of the basic chemistry concepts studied in General Chemistry I.

CHEM1020 General Chemistry II (3 credits)

Prerequisites: CHEM1010, CHEM1011

Co-requisites: CHEM1021

Chemistry is used in many engineering fields like manufacturing, production facilities, and making more valued chemicals for long-lasting products. This chemistry course extends students’ prior knowledge of basic chemical concepts to more complex chemical interactions. This course starts with in-depth stoichiometry calculations as they relate to chemical reactions in particular acid-base chemistry and chemical equilibrium. It then introduces students to gases, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, hydrocarbon chemistry and metallurgy. Students use their problem-solving skills to apply theoretical knowledge to practical problems that could be found in engineering.

CHEM1021 General Chemistry II Lab (1 credit)

Prerequisites: CHEM1010, CHEM1011

Co-requisites: CHEM1020

Chemistry laboratory courses enhance student understanding by helping them visualize abstract chemistry concepts through experimental investigations. This course allows students to further their chemical understanding of theoretical concepts through practical experiments. Students learn new laboratory techniques as they study chemical concepts such as thermo- chemistry, acids and bases, hydrocarbons, and chemical kinetics.

CHEM1030 Health Sciences Chemistry (3 credits)

Co-requisites: CHEM1031

Chemistry has many applications in the healthcare field. Topics to be covered include matter, measurements, the atom, the periodic table, chemical bonding, formulas, reactions, and stoichiometry, gas laws, chemical kinetics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, acids and bases. Nuclear chemistry including its applications are also explored. Through lectures and class discussions, students extend their knowledge and relate it to their profession.

CHEM1031 Health Sciences Chemistry Lab (1 credit)

Co-requisites: CHEM1030

Laboratory courses enhance student understanding by helping them visualize abstract concepts through experimental investigations. This course allows students to further their chemical understanding of theoretical concepts through experimentation as they learn new laboratory techniques to study the concepts outlined in Health Science Chemistry.

CHEM1040 APPLIED SCIENCE (3 credits)

Co-requisites: CHEM1041

Understanding general scientific principles is essential to under- standing the world around us; this is particularly true for Health Sciences professionals. In this course, principles of chemistry and physics are studied as they apply to the practice of health sciences. Major topics include bonding, matter, solutions, equilibrium, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, and kinetics. These concepts are taught through lectures and course readings. Knowledge learned through these means is then applied in weekly, hands-on labs in the co-requisite course.

CHEM1041 APPLIED SCIENCE lab (1 credit)

Co-requisites: CHEM1040

Laboratory courses enhance student understanding by helping them visualize abstract concepts through experimental investigations. This course allows students to further their chemical understanding of theoretical concepts through practical experiments. Students learn new laboratory techniques as they study chemical concepts related to applied science, such as gas laws, phase changes, chemical equilibrium, buffers, and electrochemistry.

CHEM3010 Petrochemistry (2 credits)

Prerequisites: CHEM1020

Co-requisites: CHEM3011

The petroleum industry is based on an understanding of the chemistry of petroleum products. This course provides students a greater understanding of the concepts that form the basis of chemical technology in the petroleum industry. It provides an overview of the fundamental petrochemical separation and conversion process of petroleum and natural gas which are prominent in the hydrocarbon processing industry. Through lectures and class discussions, students explore these topics and relate them to the local industry of today.

CHEM3011 Petrochemistry Lab (1 credit)

Prerequisites: CHEM1021

Co-requisites: CHEM3010

Laboratory courses enhance student understanding by helping them visualize abstract concepts through experimental investigations. This course further develops students’ experimental techniques in the chemistry laboratory and provides them the opportunity to explore the behavior of basic organic chemicals, which are the building blocks of the petrochemical industry. The experimental study/testing of chemical and physical properties of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon groups found in the petroleum industry further students’ understanding of the concepts studied in Petrochemistry.


This course equips students with the necessary skills to work efficiently and professionally in our digital era. Topics include an introduction to computers and computer systems, networking, efficient usage of the Web, and essential cyber security aspects. The second part of the course focuses on the best practices and usage of office applications, such as word processors and presentation and spreadsheet software, that are needed in their other courses and in most professional environments. The course is delivered through short lectures, online content, labs, and assignments that help students practice their skills.

MATH1010 Algebra & Trigonometry (3 credits)

A strong foundation in algebra and trigonometry is essential for the success of students in their higher-level math and science courses as well as in everyday life. This course is intended for students of all disciplines to help strengthen their mathematical and conceptual skills. Topics include conceptual and applied mathematics involving linear equations and inequalities; rational expressions and equations; radicals; quadratic equations; exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Through a variety of lectures, real-life applications and independent practice, students learn to effectively use quantitative and symbolic reasoning and analysis in their personal and professional lives.

MATH1020 Pre-Calculus (3 credits)

Prerequisites: MATH1010 OR Minimum Score on UDST Math Placement Test

This course includes advanced technical mathematics topics specifically designed for technical programs. Students develop skills in applying complex numbers, matrices, trigonometry, and analytical geometry to technical problems. Students also gain a solid foundation in the study of functions necessary to prepare them for further studies in calculus. Students learn how to use technology to solve problems related to real-world contexts.

MATH1030 Calculus I (3 credits)

Prerequisites: MATH1020 OR Minimum score on UDST Math Placement Test

Calculus is a branch of mathematics that studies how to quantitatively assess change over time, especially as it applies to technical programs. This course introduces students to the rules of differentiation and the methods of differentiating various algebraic and transcendental functions. Through mathematical problem-solving, students learn how to solve real-life problems using differentiation followed by an introduction to integration.

MATH1040 Statistics (3 credits)

Statistical knowledge is important in the business and scientific fields as it provides an understanding of how data is collected and analyzed. This is an introductory statistics course intended for students in a variety of study areas and research. Students will apply fundamental concepts in statistics to interpret results of a variety of statistical techniques from descriptive and inferential statistics, and to critically review and analyze statistical information. Through lectures and problem-solving, students will be able to use elementary statistical software and techniques to critically assess statistical work in real world applications.

MATH1050 Linear Algebra (3 credits)

Linear algebra is the branch of mathematics with many applications including mathematical physics and coding theory. This course introduces the fundamental concepts of linear algebra and their applications. Topics include systems of equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, inner product spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Through lectures and practice, students learn to apply the theory of linear algebra to technical fields.


MATH1060 Numerical Problem Solving (3 credits)

This course provides students studying management, marketing, finance, account, economics, and other fields of business administration with an introductory survey of descriptive and inferential statistics. Supporting the development of basic data analytical skills, this course provides students with opportunities to calculate and apply statistical knowledge to explore several business environments. Interpretation of the analytical results is an integral part of the course.

MATH1070 Applied Mathematics (3 credits)

A strong foundation in Mathematics is essential for solving many problems in the business industry. This course provides an overview of conceptual and applied mathematics including solving algebraic equations; simplifying algebraic expressions, including polynomial, radical, exponential and logarithmic expressions; followed by solving business related topics such as simple and compound interest, percentage mark-up and markdown, breakeven analysis and how to analyze a variety of graphs. Through lectures, real-life applications and independent practice, students learn to effectively use mathematics in their personal and professional lives.

MATH2002 quantitative designs & statistics (3 credits)

Students are introduced to quantitative health research processes and statistical analyses. Students learn the preparation of statistical data, statistical analysis and interpretation within the context of the positivist research paradigm for health research. Strategies for critically reviewing, integrating, and disseminating statistical findings from health research are discussed and how this data informs knowledge for practice. Learning is applied in a one-hour weekly supervised tutorial.

MATH2010 Calculus II (3 credits)

Prerequisites: MATH1030

Integral Calculus is essential in the understanding of real-world problems related to physics and engineering. This course builds upon prior mathematical theories and applied skills, introducing students to the theory and application of integrals. Through lectures and problem-solving activities, students learn to connect applications of integration to technical problems in their programs and professions.

physics 1020 General Physics (3 credits)

Co-requisites: PHYS1021

Physics is the scientific and mathematical basis on which higher technical courses are built. This course introduces students to the basic physics principles, concepts, and applications relating to properties of materials, fluid mechanics, sound, temperature and kinetic theory, heat and thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, and light. A combination of lecture and problem solving are used to enhance students’ understanding so they can apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations.

PHYS1021 General Physics Lab (1 credit)

Co-requisites: PHYS1020

Physics laboratory courses help students process and visualize concepts that are learned in the theory course. This course help students further understand the topics such as fluid mechanics, sound, the kinetic theory, magnetism, electricity, light, and thermodynamics. Experiments utilize technology and computers to collect measurements and analyze data.

PHYS1030 Health Sciences Physics (3 credits)

Co-requisites: PHYS1031

An understanding of basic physics is an important part of a health science student’s skill set. This course develops students’ competencies in basic physics principles. Through the study of concepts such as mechanics, fluids, heat, sound, and electricity, the course emphasizes practical applications of physics for health care professionals.

PHYS1031 Health Sciences Physics Lab (1 credit) 

Co-requisites: PHYS1030

Laboratory courses help students process and visualize concepts that are learned in theory courses. Through the application of physics principles and concepts, this course helps students further understand the topics learned in Health Science Physics, extending their competency in data handling, data analysis, ex- perimentation, and problem-solving.

SCIE1001 Science & Its Applications (3 credits)

Understanding the basic methods behind scientific discoveries and how they impact daily life is important for understanding how the world around us is connected. This course introduces students to various disciplines of science and their relation- ships to everyday applications. The course investigates how science has shaped our daily lives though technology, and how using science and the scientific method has solved problems in the past and how it will evolve to solve problems of the future. This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary approach to science through discussions of biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics and how they apply to real-word situations and problems. Through lectures, class discussion and individual research, students investigate such topics as climate change, medicine, communications, energy and space travel.

SCIE1002 Science & the Environment (3 credits)

Science has a direct impact on the environment, and it is important that this relationship be understood to protect the future health of people and the environment. This course is intended for students in social science programs of study as an introduction to science domains and how science impacts the environment. The emphasis is on local and global environmental issues and crises, how they develop, and how science contributes to their resolution. Environmental issues are investigated through case studies, research, and group discussions.