Discover UDST's open research, all in one place
About Manara
Manara, hosted by the Qatar National Library, is UDST’s open-access repository for research by UDST community members. UDST and Manara entered a formal partnership in the 23/24 academic year. UDST's research is openly accessible, without any charges to the reader, on the Manara platform.
Manara contains open access works by UDST researchers, and thousands of articles, conference proceedings, and non-traditional scholarly output by researchers in Qatar.
Manara's benefits
- Manara makes Qatar’s research visible by making it discoverable in one place.
- Works in Manara are available to everyone, free to download, and free from most copyright and licensing restrictions.
- Manara supports browsing, as well as basic searching, by citations, altmetric attention score, posted date, online date and publication date.
- The contents of Manara can also be discovered by most search engines, including Google and Google Scholar.
- In instances where your work is already published open access: it is preserved not just by the publisher, but also by Manara.
- Manara provides a platform to showcase non-traditional research outputs, like lectures, posters, downloadable software, conference contributions, preprints, models, reports, and more.
Depositing your work in Manara
View this guide on depositing your work in Manara.