Diploma in Human Resources Management (Dip. HRM)

2023-2024 Study Plan:

Course number course title REQUISITE HOURS/WEEK
    PRE-Req co-Req cr lec lab
Semester 1
COMM1010 English Communication I - - 3 3 0
HRMG1001 Principles of Human Resource Management - - 3 2 3
MATH1070 Applied Mathematics  - - 3 3 0
Effective & Experiential Learning Elective: Select 1 of 2  
EFFL1001 Effective Learning - - 3 3 0
EFFL1002 Applied & Experiential Learning - - 3 3 0
Semester 1 Total 12 11 3
ACCT1001 Financial Accounting - - 3 2 3
COMM1020 English Communication II COMM1010 - 3 3 0
COMP1401 Introduction to Computers & Information Systems - - 3 3 1
MRKT1001 Principles of Marketing - - 3 2 3
Semester 2 Total 12 10 7
BKFT1001 Principles of Finance - - 3 2 3
BUSG2010 Qatar Business Law         3 2 3
Semester 3 Total 6 4 6
Year 1 Total 30 25 16
Course number course title REQUISITE HOURS/WEEK
    PRE-Req co-req CR LEC LAB
Semester 4
ECON2010 Business Economics - - 3 2 3
HRMG2020 Employee Relations - - 3 2 3
HRMG3010 Human Resource Planning & Selection HRMG1001 - 3 2 2
MGMT2010 Organizational Behavior Min 30 Credits - 3 2 3
Semester 4 Total 12 8 11
HRMG3020 Qatar Employment Law - - 3 2 2
HRMG3030 Occupational Health & Safety - - 3 2 2
HRMG3040 Performance Management HRMG3010 - 3 2 2
HRMG3050 Training & Development HRMG1001 - 3 2 2
HRMG4020 Compensation and Benefits HRMG1001 - 3 2 2
Semester 5 Total 15 10 10
BUSG2301 Work Placement Min 54 Credits - 9 360 Total Hours
Semester 6 Total 9 0 0
Year 2 Total 36 18 21
Dip. HRM Program Total: 66 43 37