Master of Science in Human Resource Management (M.Sc. HRM)

2023-2024 Study Plan:


semester 1
HRMG5010 Contemporary Issues in Human Resources - - 3 3 0
BUSG5010 Advanced Business Research Methods     - - 3 3 0
BUSG5020 Decision Making & Negotiation     - - 3 3 0
Semester 1 Total         9 9 0
SEMESTER 2      
BUSG5030 Corporate Social Responsibility & Governance     - - 3 3 0
HRMG5020 People Analytics     - - 3 3 0
Elective: Select 1 of 2
HRMG6081 Global Talent Management     HRMG5010   - 3 3 0
HRMG6091 Organizational Development & Change     HRMG5010 - 3 3 0
Semester 2 Total           9 9 0
Year 1 Total       18 18 0


Course number course title REQUISITE HOURS/WEEK
    PRE-Req co-req cr lec lab
Semester 3
HRMG5030 Leading Strategic HR Transformation HRMG5010 - 3 3 0
HRMG5040 Digital Human Resources HRMG5010 - 3 3 0
HRMG5099 Human Resource Management Thesis BUSG5010 - Credits will not be counted in this semester. Course will be assessed in the final semester
Elective: Select 1 of 2
HRMG6082 Culture & Diversity Management - - 3 3 0
HRMG6092 Talent Management & Development - - 3 3 0
Semester 3 Total 9 9 0
SEMESTER 4      
HRMG5099 Human Resource Management Thesis BUSG5010 - 6 0 18
Elective: Select 1 of 2
HRMG6083 Managing Change in Multinational Corporations HRMG5010 - 3 3 0
HRMG6093 Design Thinking & Creativity - - 3 3 0
Semester 4 Total:       9 3 18
Year 2 Total:       18 12 18
M.Sc. HRM Program Total 36 30 18