IR engages in collection, analysis, and dissemination of data required for the assessment of institutional effectiveness, data-informed strategic decision making, planning and developing standards and procedures for UDST.
IR serves as the official source of institutional data for regular internal and external reporting and complies with reporting requirements of relevant external reference points. IR also handles ad-hoc requests for data, surveys and information requested by UDST Business Units and external stakeholders.
IR supports and collaborates with UDST academic, administrative, and student support units on areas including: assessment, survey design and administration, analysis of data, data literacy, reporting, and planning.
IR promotes data governance throughout UDST, particularly at the leadership and management level.

IR is the main point of contact for the design, administration, analysis and reporting of key UDST institutional surveys. IR administers a number of surveys aimed at UDST students, staff and stakeholders to support UDST vision, mission, goals, decision-making and planning. All new students, current students, graduating students, recent graduates, alumni, employers, parents, new employees and current employees are surveyed regularly. IR also collects other surveys of students, faculty and staff in ad-hoc manner.
Survey results assist UDST leadership and management for their decision-making and planning.