June 10, 2021

June 10th, 2021: The University of Doha for Science and Technology – Qatar hosted an international webinar entitled “Improving and Enriching the Human Capital of Qatar through the identification and development of 21st Century Skills for Sustainability and Employability” in collaboration with Qatar University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Qatar Green Building Council and entities from the public and private sector. This unique project in Qatar sheds light on human capital and sustainable development by observing and exploring three main sectors: Oil & Gas, Built Environment, and Finance.
The University of Doha for Science and Technology – Qatar hosted an international webinar entitled “Improving and Enriching the Human Capital of Qatar through the identification and development of 21st Century Skills for Sustainability and Employability” in collaboration with Qatar University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Qatar Green Building Council and entities from the public and private sector. This unique project in Qatar sheds light on human capital and sustainable development by observing and exploring three main sectors: Oil & Gas, Built Environment, and Finance.