Model: DSC-500BL
Brand: Shanghai Toposun Precision Instruments
Configuration: DSC-500BL consists of the host, small furnace, microvolt amplifier, A/D converter, data acquisition system, cooling system and gas flow control system.
Highlight: In DSC, a sample contained in an appropriate holder and an empty reference holder
are placed on the DSC cell in the sample and reference positions. Power is applied to heaters
in the system to either ramp the temperature of the DSC at specified rate or to hold the DSC
isothermally at a given temperature. The DSC instrument measures the difference on the heat
flow between the sample and the reference.
Application: Typical information that can be derived from DSC measurements includes:
- Determination of characteristic temperatures (glass transition, crystallization, and
- melting point)
- Determination of Enthalpy variables and change ratio
- Decomposition and thermal stability
- Oxidative Stability (OIT)
- Specific Heat and Kinetic parameters