Scholarly Work does not include any data conceived or generated using University Resources, or during the course or scope of employment/registration/appointment at the University by a member of the University Community and/or Visitor
© (Year of publication) University of Doha for Science and Technology.
4.13 Conflicts of Interest
4.13.1 Academic Members’ and Visitors’ primary commitment of time and intellectual contributions must be to the education, research, and academic programs of the University.
4.13.2 Academic Members, University administrative staff, and Visitors have a primary professional obligation to act in the best interests of the University; they must avoid situations where external interests could significantly and negatively affect their work performance and Research integrity.
4.13.3 It is the responsibility of all Academic Members, University administrative staff, and Visitors to ensure that their agreements with external parties do not conflict with their duties and responsibilities in terms of this Policy. Each individual must clearly state their duties and responsibilities to those with whom such agreements may be made.
4.13.4 When there is the possibility that an actual or perceived Conflict of Interest (COI) or Conflict of Commitment (COC) may result/exist from undertaking an action, members of the University Community and/or Visitors are obligated to promptly report this to the University, in compliance with applicable COI/COC policies and/or procedures adopted by the University, before engaging in these activities, or as soon as they become aware of them if they arise within the context of their Research or consultancy, the protection of Intellectual Property, or the exploitation, commercialisation or use of University IP.
4.14 Disputes and Appeals
4.14.1 Any internal disputes or questions of interpretation arising under this Policy must, in the first instance, be referred to IPAC for consideration and mediation.
4.14.2 If the matter cannot be resolved by the IPAC within the period specified by the relevant procedure, then the dispute or question of interpretation must be referred to the Vice-President, Academics within the timeframe specified by the procedures. The Vice-President, Academics will refer the matter to an independent committee who will issue a decision regarding the matter, within the timeframe specified by the procedures.
4.14.3 The decision issued by the independent committee may be appealed in writing to the President, along with all information and documentation which may be necessary for the fair resolution of the dispute. The decision of the President in the matter is final.
4.15 Exceptions
4.15.1 This Policy will not be interpreted to limit the University’s ability to meet its obligations for deliverables under any contract, grant, or other arrangements with third parties, including Research Contracts, license agreements, fund management agreements, and the like.