1.0 Definitions
1.1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
1.1.1 Admission: The process in which Applicants are evaluated for entry into a University Program.
1.1.2 Admission Requirement: The requirements for eligibility into a University Program.
1.1.3 Applicant: An individual who has submitted and completed an application to be admitted into a Program.
1.1.4 Academic Year: Means the 12-month period defined in the University's Academic Calendar, as approved by the Board.
1.1.5 Conditional Admission: Instances when Admission is offered before one or more of Admission Requirements are met and is conditional on the outstanding requirements being met by a specified time.
1.1.6 International Student: A Student who is not a citizen or resident of the State of Qatar and is issued their Qatari Residence Permit under University Sponsorship.
1.1.7 Legal Requirement: Laws, statutes, ordinances, decrees, requirements, orders, judgements, (or interpretation of any of the foregoing), licenses, permits, approvals, agreements, and regulations of any governmental authority having jurisdiction over the matter in question.
1.1.8 Qatar Residence Permit: A permit proving the identity of an expat and permitting his residency in the State in the cases and under the conditions specified by Law No. 21 of 2015 regulating the Entry, Exit and Residence of Expatriates, its executive regulations, and its implementing decisions.
1.1.9 Semester: A division of an Academic Year where a Student is enrolled in a Course(s) followed by an examination period.
1.1.10 Student Residency Sponsorship: The process by which the University issues a Qatari Residence Permit to International Students who have obtained valid Student Visa to study in Qatar, to be under its sponsorship as per the conditions specified by Law No. 21 of 2015 regulating the Entry, Exit and Residence of Expatriates, its executive regulations, and its implementing decisions.
1.1.11 Student: A person who is presently enrolled at the University in a Credit Course or who is designated by the University as a Student.
1.1.12 Student Employment Program: Employment opportunities offered by the University to its Students throughout the Academic Year in various capacities (part-time & full-time).
1.1.13 Student Visa: Granted to a Student coming to the Sate of Qatar for the purpose of studying in schools, institutes, colleges, public universities or private educational institutions.
1.1.14 University: University of Doha for Science and Technology established by Emiri Resolution No. 13 of 2022.
1.2 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1.3 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.0 Policy Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to promote access to higher education to International Students residing outside the State of Qatar. The policy outlines the services which the University extends to its International Students.
3.0 Policy Scope
The policy applies to all current and prospective International Students at the University.
4.0 Policy Statements
4.1 Admission
4.1.1 International Applicants can apply for Admission to the University as per the regulations and timelines outlined in the Admission Policy (PL-ST-07) and the Admission Procedure (PR-ST-07).
4.2 Admission Capacity
4.2.1 The Director, Admissions and Registration Directorate will coordinate International Student admission capacity for each Semester with the Vice President, Academic Affairs.
4.3 Academic, Co-Curricular, and Personal Support Services
4.3.1 The University will provide appropriate academic and non-academic support services to ensure that International Students have the opportunity to be academically successful.
4.4 Student Visa and Qatar Residence Permit
4.4.1 The University will endeavor to secure Student Visas and Qatar Residence Permits for International Students. International Students are responsible for satisfying: Legal Requirements for Student Visa authorizing entry into the State of Qatar; Qatar Residence Permit conditions as per Law No. 21 of 2015 regulating the Entry, Exit and Residence of Expatriates, its executive regulations, and its implementing decisions outlined therein; Government health regulations and medical insurance requirements; Formal exit proceedings upon completion of study.
4.5 Facilities and Ancillary Services
4.5.1 The University will make secure, gender-segregated, and monitored accommodation available to International Students, who choose to avail of the same, at market prices, in addition to the following benefits, at an additional charge: Domestic transport between the University and accommodation; Dining services; Network and Internet services.
Accommodation and accompanying benefit fees are determined by the Board of Trustees.
4.6 Student Employment
4.6.1 International Students are eligible to apply for Student Employment Program per the regulations outlined in the Student Employment Policy (PL-ST-15) and the Student Employment Procedure (PR-ST-15).
4.7 Tuition and Fees
4.7.1 International Students are responsible for their tuition, fees, and living expenses.
4.7.2 Tuition and fees for International Students are established by the Board of Trustees and are published on the University website.
4.8 Scholarship and Financial Assistance
4.8.1 International Applicants and International Students are eligible to apply for Scholarship and Financial Assistance, as per the regulations outlined in the Scholarship and Financial Assistance Policy (PL-ST-11) and the Scholarship and Financial Assistance Procedure (PR-ST-11).
4.9 International Student Responsibilities
4.9.1 International Students are expected to adhere to the University policies and regulations, abide by the Student Conduct Policy (PL-ST-01). The University reserves the right to revoke Student Residency Sponsorship due to any action that could be considered contrary to the approved Student Conduct Policy (PL-ST-01) or applicable Qatari laws.
4.9.2 International Students who have received a Conditional Admission pending attestation of their records must submit their required documentation satisfying Admission Requirements before the first day of classes for the Semester of Admission.
4.9.3 Conditional Admission is revoked when International Students do not satisfy the conditions in their Conditional Admission, or fail to provide required documentation, or to satisfy Legal or Admission Requirements.
4.9.4 International Students who fail to adhere to the policies and procedures of the University and/or the applicable laws of Qatar may be removed from their program and returned to their home country at their own expense.
5.0 Procedures
5.1 The Vice-President, Student Affairs will ensure that procedures are developed and implemented in accordance with this policy.
6.0 Related Documents
6.1 PL-ST-01: Student Conduct Policy
6.2 PL-ST-07: Admissions Policy
6.3 PL-ST-09: Registration Policy
6.4 PL-ST-11: Scholarship and Financial Assistance Policy
6.5 PL-ST-15: Student Employment Policy