Academic Scheduling Procedure
1.1 Capitalized words and phrases used in this procedure and not otherwise defined here have the meanings assigned to them in the Academic Schedule Policy (PL-ST-02).
1.2 The following words and expressions are specific to this document and shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:
1.2.1 Academic Advising: Interactions between a Student and an Academic Advisor that involve discussing the Student’s academic plan, making appropriate Course selections, academic progression, and learning outcomes.
1.2.2 Academic Advisor: A representative of the University who helps and advises Students on their academic plan, appropriate Course selections, academic progression, and learning outcomes.
1.2.3 Add/Drop Deadline: The last day of the Add/Drop Period for student to add or drop courses as per the Academic Calendar.
1.2.4 Course Catalog: A detailed list of Courses offered by the University.
1.2.5 Data Collection Utility (DCU): A web-based module that is part of the scheduling system. It allows users to submit scheduling data in a common, consistent and understandable format.
1.2.6 Enrollment: The number of Students on the official list of registrants in a Course or Program.
1.2.7 ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
1.2.8 FAMIS: Facilities Asset Management Information System.
1.2.9 Final Grade: The grade assigned for the entire Course when all mandatory components of the Course are completed.
1.2.10 Registration Period: A period of time prior to the beginning of each Semester when Students can enroll in Courses
1.2.11 Section: A Course offering distinguished from other identical Course offerings by date, time, location, instructor, etc.
1.3 Where the context requires, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice-versa.
1.4 Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning, other parts of speech and grammatical forms of that word or phrase have corresponding meanings.
2.1 To support the implementation of Academic Schedule Policy (PL-ST-02). The following procedures are to be read in conjunction with the aforementioned policy.
2.2 University facilities are shared facilities between all Academic Units, and Courses are scheduled based on their attributes and requirements.
3.1 Principles
3.1.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate ensures that the Official Schedule is available prior to the commencement of the Semester to enable Students to register and for Academic Units to make any necessary adjustments.
3.1.2 The scheduling process is managed within the Admissions and Registration Directorate and requires input from, and collaboration with, the Academic Units.
3.1.3 The scheduling process creates conflict–free schedules for Learning Sessions, Students, Academic Members, and Academic Space.
3.2 Courses and Academic Space
3.2.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate enters Course Catalog information in the ERP as validated by Program Development and Accreditation Department.
3.2.2 The Admissions and Registration Directorate imports Academic Space information from FAMIS into the scheduling system.
3.2.3 The Admissions and Registration Directorate updates Course capacity information in FAMIS and the ERP as directed by the Faculty Affairs Department.
3.3 Pre-Populate Schedule Data
3.3.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate creates the future Semester(s) in the scheduling system and rolls the previous-like semester to populate the future Semester(s).
3.4 Schedule Preparation
3.4.1 Academic Units inform the College of General Education of their projected capacity requirements for supporting Courses. The College of General Education communicates these requirements to the Faculty Affairs Department for resource planning.
3.4.2 Requests from Academic Units to change Enrollment capacity for Courses must be submitted to the Dean/Academic Manager for approval.
3.4.3 Academic Units update and validate data in the DCU based on the scheduling timeline each Semester. This includes current and new Courses, Faculty assignments, and scheduling requests (day, time, room)
3.5 Central Scheduling
3.5.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate closes DCU based on the scheduling timelines each semester and validates the data in the DCU.
3.5.2 The Admissions and Registration Directorate may consult the Academic Units for clarification on scheduling requests.
3.5.3 The Admissions and Registration Directorate runs the scheduling processes in the scheduling system.
3.5.4 The Admissions and Registration Directorate provides the Academic Units with Course schedules for which no Academic Member is assigned.
3.5.5 The Academic Units assign an Academic Member after updating the ERP system.
3.6 Schedule Finalized
3.6.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate finalizes the Official Schedule in the scheduling system and updates the ERP system.
3.6.2 The Academic Units provide the Admissions and Registration Directorate with any schedule change requests.
3.6.3 All updates to the Official Schedule are processed in the ERP system by the Admissions and Registration Directorate.
3.6.4 From the time it is finalized until the Drop Deadline, the Admissions and Registration Directorate only accepts minor revisions to the existing Official Schedule (instructor, capacity, etc.).
3.7 Pre-Registration Academic Advising
3.7.1 Academic Advisors conduct Academic Advising with Students before Registration.
3.8 Registration
3.8.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate opens self-service registration in the ERP system.
3.8.2 Academic Advising services remain available to Students until the end of the Add/Drop Period.
3.9 End of Term Processing
3.9.1 The Admissions and Registration Directorate runs term-end processes after Final Grades are submitted.
3.9.2 The Admissions and Registration Directorate runs a process to drop Students from (a) Course(s) if they failed (a) pre-requisite Course(s). Students will be automatically notified by email and/or SMS and/or ERP.
3.10 Sections with Zero or Low Enrollment
3.10.1 After the end of the Add/Drop Period, the Admissions and Registration Directorate runs an Enrollment query to identify Courses/Sections with zero or low Enrollment. The Admissions and Registration Directorate provides Academic Units with a list of Courses/Sections with zero or low Enrollment.
3.10.2 Each Academic Unit sends a request to the Admissions and Registration Directorate to cancel Courses/Sections with zero or low Enrollment. Low Enrollment is established by the Vice President, Academic.
3.10.3 Academic Units provide the Faculty Affairs Department with justification to keep Courses/Sections with low Enrollment. Faculty Affairs Department consults with the Vice-President, Academic for approval to keep Courses/Sections with Low Enrollment.
3.10.4 The Faculty Affairs Department communicates to the Admissions and Registration Directorate if any cancellation of Courses/Sections are required.
3.11 Ramadan Scheduling
3.11.1 Class timing during Ramadan is temporarily adjusted to reflect the University approved Ramadan schedule. Admissions and Registration Directorate communicates the approved Ramadan Schedule to Academic Units and Students.
3.12 Annual Reporting
3.12.1 The Director, Admissions and Registration Directorate must provide an annual report every Academic Year on the academic scheduling process to the Vice-President, Student Affairs.
4.1 General Constraints
4.1.1 Learning Sessions are scheduled in the scheduling system from 08:00 – 20:00 (with the exception of Ramadan, some practicums, work terms, clinical placements, or other Learning Sessions that may begin earlier or end later).
4.1.2 Learning Sessions are scheduled in the scheduling system according to the University approved meeting pattern that identifies the timings of each class.
5.0 Related Documents
5.1 PL-ST-02 Academic Schedule Policy
5.2 Student Registration Process