The 3rd Symposium on Diabetes Care - International Speakers

ajm boulton


Professor Andrew JM Boulton, MD, DSc (Hon), FACP, FICP, FRCP

President, Worldwide Initiative for Diabetes Education.

Chair, EURADIA: Alliance for European Diabetes Research.

Professor of Medicine, University of Manchester and Visiting Professor, University of Miami, FL.

Consultant Physician, Manchester Royal Infirmary.

Immediate Past-President, International Diabetes Federation (2019-2022).

Past-President, European Association for the Study of Diabetes (2011-2015).




Special Interests:

Late complications of diabetes particularly peripheral neuropathy, foot lesions and diabetic nephropathy.


  • Qualified from Newcastle 1976: postgraduate training in Newcastle, Sheffield and Miami.
  • Appointed as Consultant Physician and Senior Lecturer in Medicine, Manchester Royal Infirmary/University of Manchester 1986.
  • Appointed Professor of Medicine, University of Medicine, 1995.
  • Developed clinical research and clinical services for diabetic complications particularly neuropathy and nephropathy such that the Unit is now number 1 worldwide for output (publications) in diabetic neuropathy and diabetic foot disease.
  • Founding Chairman of European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Study Group on the diabetic foot, 1998.
  • Previously editor, “Diabetic Medicine”, journal of the British Diabetic Association and currently Associate Editor for “Diabetes Care”.
  • Formerly Chair of Postgraduate Education and Vice-President of the EASD: currently President of EASD.
  • Services to diabetes have been recognized by the award in 2008 of the American Diabetes Association Harold Rifkin Award for distinguished international service in the field of diabetes.


  • Prof Boulton was the first researcher at Manchester to hold 3 National Institutes of Health, USA, grants simultaneously for research into wound healing, new measures for diabetic neuropathy and recurrent diabetic foot ulcers. 
  • Numerous other grants in the past from Diabetes UK, Wellcome Trust, American Diabetes Association and other sources. 
  • His research has been recognized by international awards such as the first international Diabetic Foot Study Group award for research in diabetic foot disease (1995), the Edward Olmos award for Advocacy in Reducing Amputations (USA 2006) and the Georgetown (Washington DC) Diabetes Limb Salvage Lifetime Achievement Award 2012. 
  • Received Lifetime Achievement Award of the American Professional Wound Care Association 2008.



This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Category 1) as defined by the Ministry of Public Health – Department of HealthCare Professions – Accreditation Section and is approved for a maximum of ­­­4 hours

The Scientific Planning Committee members have no Conflict of Interest to declare