Rationale Logo


The Color

A deep vivid blue symbolizing reliability and trust. The vivid aspect of the blue reflects the campus dynamism and inclusivity.


The Pillar

The overall logo gathers multiple elements, ultimately forming a structure that represents the 4 pillars of education
in one strong foundation. It reveals the purpose of the brand: to empower students with hands-on competencies and applied education resulting in skilled, talented, and work-ready graduates who can answer the needs of an ever-evolving national and global economy.


The Letters

“ج “and " د "the initials of the University in Arabic alongside “U" and “D" the initials of the University in English connected together to form one entity.

The interconnectivity of the letters reveals a University rooted in the Qatari culture but open to the World.



The Parallelograms

symbolize an open book and wings.

These two entities stand together side by side and represent the support that UDST offers to its students in their educational journey, fostering a culture of Academic Excellence.

UDST Core Values

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We believe that education leads to success, and our role is to empower our community with knowledge and expertise which will translate into value for the Qatari and global economies.
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We believe in shaping and equipping students with the right skills for a successful future.
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We focus on applied education to prepare our students with strong competencies for integration into the workplace and to contribute to the national and global economy.
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We adopt a student-centered approach to increase student success and help them achieve their goals.
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We accept change and encourage progressive learning methods that adapt individuals to solving global industry needs.
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We value curiosity, research, and the exploration of emerging technologies.