We Are Open to Other Areas 


At CCIT, we believe that our potential to grow and develop as a community is endless. Therefore, we offer a plethora of partnership opportunities for entities. Below is a comprehensive list of engagement areas:

  1. Foundation and Agreement​:
  • MoU/MoA - Formalize collaborations through Memoranda of Understanding or Agreement to clearly define the scope and expectations of partnerships.​
  • Visits/Tours - Organize tours and visits between the college and external entities (industry/academia) to facilitate mutual understanding and networking.​
  • Virtual Collaboration Platforms - Develop online platforms for continuous collaboration and knowledge exchange.​
  1. Research and Development​:
  • Joint Research and Development Projects - Collaborate on specific R&D projects that can lead to new technological advancements.​
  • Technology Transfer Agreements - Facilitate the commercialization of technologies developed within the college.​
  • Joint Publications and Academic Papers - Collaborate on scholarly articles that enhance the academic reputation and contribute to industry/academic knowledge.​
  • Funding and Resource Mobilization for Research Projects - Collaborate on funding applications (QRDI or other sources) to support joint research initiatives.
  1. Education Collaboration:
  • Guest Lectures (@CCIT Talk Series) and Workshops - Invite external entity (industry/academia) experts to deliver lectures through CCIT Talk Series or workshops, enriching academic curriculum and student knowledge.​
  • Call for Capstone project proposals (student involvement) - Invite external entities (industry/academia) to propose real-world problems for student capstone projects, which span over two terms (8 months).​
  • Continuous Professional Education (CPE) / Microcredentials - Offer courses, certifications, or specialized training programs that meet external entity (industry/academia) needs and support professional development.​
  1. Practical and Professional Engagement:
  • Work placement for students - Facilitate placements where students can gain practical work experience in a professional setting with the external entity (industry/academia).​
  • Internship (outside work placement) - Arrange internships with external entities (industry/academia) to provide students with external work experiences.​
  • Consultancy - Utilize faculty expertise to provide consultancy services to external entities (industry/academia), enhancing practical applications of academic research.​
  • Faculty / Staff exchange - Implement exchange programs for faculty and staff to foster knowledge sharing and skills development.
  1. Support and Innovation​:
  • Innovation Challenges and Hackathons - Organize joint events where students, faculty, and industry professionals solve practical challenges through innovation.​
  • Entrepreneurship/incubator - Support CCIT student and faculty startups through UDST-based or external incubation programs that provide mentoring, resources, and funding.​
  • Seed Funding for Student Startups - Provide initial funding for promising student-led startups to encourage entrepreneurial activities.​
  1. Resources and Infrastructure​:
  • Lab utility - Enable external entities to access specialized labs and equipment for collaborative projects and research.​
  • Access to Specialized Equipment and Facilities - Allow industry partners to utilize advanced equipment and facilities for developmental purposes.​
  1. Community and Policy Engagement​:
  • Annual Industry Day @ CCIT Student Symposium - Host a showcase event for industry collaborations, student projects, and research initiatives.​
  • Policy Advocacy Collaborations - Jointly work on advocacy for better technological policies and funding.​
  • Sponsorship of CCIT activities - Invite external entity sponsorship for various college activities, events, and initiatives to enhance resources and opportunities.


If your organization is interested in any of the mentioned partnership opportunities, please submit your information using the form below. We look forward to getting in touch with you.
