Harnessing the Power of AI at UDST

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more than just a trendy term; it's a revolutionary force reshaping our world. From boosting productivity to revolutionizing healthcare and expanding access to education, AI's potential knows no bounds, impacting global industries and our daily lives.

The transformative and economic impact of AI is undeniable. It has enhanced the operations of several sectors over the last few years, and its integration into agriculture, energy, transport, and water management has driven a 1.2% annual boost in global GDP. The Middle East is also set to benefit, with expected annual growth in AI contributions of 20-34%, amounting to an estimated $320 billion across the region.

AI is also increasing educational opportunities and inclusivity. It provides tools for personalized study, creates adaptive learning platforms and enhances teaching resources, allowing educators to design curricula better and manage classes more effectively. Furthermore, AI tools, such as speech recognition, can provide support to students with disabilities and multilingual learners.

UDST is among the forward-thinking higher education institutions embracing AI to better serve their students and prepare them for a technologically advanced world. One of the University’s key strengths is our focus on technology in our approach to applied education. We are committed to providing a cutting-edge educational environment, ensuring our students remain relevant and competitive within the global job market. An example of this is the recent launch of UDST’s G-Lab, a revolutionary research hub powered by Google Cloud which greatly improves the speed and reliability of UDST's research across diverse fields like information technology, engineering technology, business analytics and bioinformatics.

We leverage AI to enrich the educational experience for our students, increasing their employability and equipping them with the skills needed to excel in rapidly changing industries. Additionally, we offer specialized programs in AI, positioning our students at the forefront of this rapidly evolving technology. This year marked a significant milestone for the University with the first cohort graduating from our new Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence degree program. In the upcoming 2024/25 academic year, we are excited to introduce our new Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Cybersecurity.

AI penetrates every area of life. It is transformative and disruptive, yet not without challenges. At UDST we strive to provide students with the depth of knowledge and breadth of skills required to harness AI in today’s world as a force for unprecedented positive change.